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LafargeHolcim launches carbon capture project in Canada

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LafargeHolcim is increasing its efforts to further improve the carbon-efficiency of its cements with the launch of the CO?MENT project in Canada. The objective is to build the world’s first full-cycle solution to capture and reuse CO2 from a cement plant while also reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The project is a partnership between Lafarge Canada, Svante and Total.

Over the next four years, Project CO?MENT will demonstrate and evaluate Svante CO? Capture System and a selection of LafargeHolcim’s carbon utilization technologies at its Richmond, British Columbia, Canada cement plant.

The project has three phases and is expected to be fully operational by the end of 2020. Subject to the pilot’s success, the vision is to scale up the project and explore how the facility can be replicated across other LafargeHolcim plants

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